Engineered for Performance

We adopt a fiduciary mind-set and keep the clients' and client's family's interests in mind. Princeton Asset Management does not have specific trading or distribution products such as annuity or insurance to sell to clients.

The Company advocates transparency in both its fees and its portfolio construction process and investment procedures. We take time to explain to clients and families so that they understand our structure and processes.

Capital preservation is our top propriety. We respect clients and families' hard work of accumulating wealth and strive to be part of the overall wealth creation process.

Attentive to Families' Needs

Princeton will customize a portfolio to suit your objectives.  We do not impose a “one-size-fits-all” approach the way some other asset managers do.  We will customize portfolios based on each client’s unique circumstances and requests. The result is a portfolio that fits each client’s objective and needs the best.